ROM 3:23
We are born as sinners – we are lost if we are in control of our lives. When the flesh commands – we can not hear the voice of God.

JOH 3:16
Jesus gave His life on the cross so that we can have life through Him. His Blood washes away our past, cleanses us from our sins, and gives us a new life in which we will hear His voice.

HEB 12:14
Our foundation is Jesus, our old life has passed. God has a plan for you! Listen to His voice. His everlasting love will comfort you in your new walk with Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit guides you in the divine life you live. Your new life is a journey with the Holy Spirit as your guide!

EPH 4:15
Every day we are faced with choices, those of the flesh and those of spirit. Even if we make mistakes, His grace will lead us home! As children of God we grow every day.